Elena is quickly growing right before my eyes. I don't know if it is because I have someone smaller to compare her with, but she seems like such a big girl to me now when I carry her, hold her, and change her diaper.
She has been talking a lot lately and is using sentences but you may not know it if your heard her because she's still learning what sounds go with what language. Omar calls it Eleneeze. But I am so amazed at how she's picking up both and especially how she switches to English with Omar and Spanish with me. These are some of her sentences, but I will translate them so it may seem like they don't sound anything like what she says because some words are in Spanish.
Mama meeo bibi (Mama milk baby)
Nana poo poo uh-pum (Elena poo poo diaper)
Ai fio (cold air)
Muu pata or muu vice (eat pasta, eat rice)
curo palla mi (oscuro afuera sleep(dark outside, sleep))
And some funny things:
At night before we go to bed she says bye to everyone and sometimes everything. I was nursing Marisa and she said, "Bye mama, bye bibi, bye meeo (by milk)"
At my parents house there where two ceramic chicks, a blue one and a yellow one. She says, "blue pio pio" but she says yellow as pio because that sounds like amarillo so she said "pio---pio pio" meaning amarillo pio pio.
I don't know where Elena got this from but occasionally when she's happy she runs around the house yelling: "appy, appy, (happy, happy)," over and over.
Elena is also practicing her jumping. She can jump on her mattress but not quite yet on the floor, but she thinks she is and says "thum, thum,"
My favorite thing Elena does is say I love you with a hug. She does this often and out of the blue. She only says the I part though and extends it so it sounds like this: "aaaaaaye" and then gives a big hug and a kiss.

Elena is really liking her stuffed animals these days and often sleeps with more than two or three.

I rarely get pictures of Elena sleeping because she sleeps lightly. I got this one after she was exhausted from our return trip from Laredo.

Holding hands with Dominic.