It seems as if though I haven't blogged in forever but it really has only been 10 days. I find that I'm enjoying blogging memories down frequently because I seem to forget things too quickly. For instance, I don't remember what Elena's first sounds sounded like and I wish I had a video of it.
Part of the reason I've been away from the computer for a while is because Marisa seems to be having more of a predictable schedule. This gives me an incentive to work, work, work...around the house of course because I have a decent chunk of time to do it in. Before, I could expect to be needed in 10 minutes or 2 hours. That was too much of a range for me so I chose to spend my time on computer related things during the day rather than be interrupted from chores. I did chores in the evenings or weekends so I'm happy to have more of that time freed up.
Most recently we celebrated Easter at home and attended mass. With two little ones we tend to be late and when we showed up to mass we found long lines of cars parked and we decided we would try another mass. I was picturing myself nursing a newborn standing up and trying to keep a squirmy toddler from fleeing. Thankfully, our town has 4 Catholic churches that I know of so we had some options. We ended up celebrating at St. Joseph's and I was happy to visit a new church. It's nice to see how churches are similar yet different.
We took Elena to pick strawberries at a nearby
farm. Elena LOVES strawberries and wanted to pick and eat, pick and eat, but we limited that to two times. She is doing a lot more with daddy now that I am always holding or nursing Marisa.
I also took Elena to her first movie. She did well and stayed in her seat. Her eyes lit up when she walked into the building and saw all the bright colors and lights.
Here are some pictures of recent happenings

Looking in her Easter basket after the egg hunt with the church's mom's group

Looking for red ones

Thanks for this picture idea Julia

Egg hunt at home

Marisa loves to spend time with her daddy for long periods of time now.

I love this newborn sleep pose

This is a typical moment for these two. Playing by each other but doing their own thing. But, it does look as if though Dominic said something hilarious.