She's half way to 3. Elena has truly blossomed recently. She is always saying something to us. Most recently she learned to say all her colors in English. She only says yellow in Spanish. She's also counting and has chosen to do that in Spanish. She'll count anything that can be counted, lines on the ground, things on her shirt. She can also recognize 1/2 of the single digit numbers.
Elena continues to be ever so sweet to Marisa. Out of the blue she will look at Marisa, give her a hug and say I love you. I think I mentioned before that she can calm Marisa down as well as I can. When Marisa wakes up from a nap Elena puts a pacifier in her mouth and toys in her bed. She talks to her and plays with her while I finish up a load of laundry or dishes.
Elena makes us laugh often. Most of you that know her know how she says milk. Omar and I will say, "It's milk Elena, not meeo. Elena responds, "No, no meoo, meeoo.
Elena loves her daddy and prefers that he puts her to bed. They have this routine of kisses and I love yous before bed and yesterday when Omar was going to work after lunch at home this is what happened.
Omar: Bye Elena, kisses Elena
Omar: says bye to me and kisses me
Elena:nooo, mmm(word for kiss) mama
Omar: he comes back and gives me a 2nd kiss
Elena: noo,, IIII (word for I love you)
Omar : comes back and hugs me and says I love you.
Omar: Bye Elena
Elena: Bye!
Elena has fun even with the simplest of things. She will make a game out of anything, including diaper changes which often frustrate me. But I'm also reminded that it is in her nature to laugh and play.
My sweet baby girl, I love your playfulness, your kindness, your patience, this time with you is so special to me and I know I will look back and miss it. I love you and can't wait to know more of you.