I'm 39 weeks. I'm at the point where everyone has an opinion about the actual day this baby will come or about my size. I guess it really started two/three weeeks ago and if you've been pregnant you can relate. Here are some quotes by random and familiar people, "I give you two weeks," "Don't think you'll make it to Christmas." "Any day now huh?" "You look like you're going to pop." And in just the last two days I've heard, the words, huge, enoromous, grande and gigantic all about how I look of course. Funny thing is this bothered me when I heard it a month and even 2 months ago. It did not feel good to be told those things earlier when I had so far to go. And, I guess now I must be immune to it cause it doesn't bother me anymore. In any case the truth is I always look large and since I feel large, ehh, why am I to argue. I'm just not the pregnant woman who hides it well.
Here are the facts. At my 37 week appointment I measured 41 weeks. Last week at 38 weeks I measured 37 weeks. So nothing unusual and the midwives always say that because of my stature and petite nature that baby only has one way to go and that is out. So it doesn't concern me. My blood pressure is good and my weight gain is right on track. Still haven't hit 30lbs. And I got to see our little girl last week in the low resolution ultrasound. They measured her head and it measured right at 38 weeks and she was just where she needed to be. :) I'm nervous, anxious, excited all at the same time. I generally feel okay. I'm starting to feel really, really tired these last few days and contractions don't just happen mostly at night they come in waves throughout the day with some discomfort and lots of pressure. Any day now (as that one person said) sounds just right!