And just like that I have two little girls who aren't babies anymore. I know, I should have seen it coming. Heaven knows how many times I've heard, "Enjoy them now while they're little. They grow up too fast." It's not like I didn't know they would not be babies anymore. I try to cherish the moments for this reason, but when you're in the thick of it with the difficult phases and such, things pass you by in a blur. And now well, I'm a little sad that I don't have babies anymore.
For a month or two now Marisa has been consistently removing her diaper just before falling asleep. Every single night I wake up to her calls needing a clean set of pajamas, a clean set of sheets and another diaper that I hope she keeps on so that I don't have to come and repeat the same routine in the middle of the night. For a while the snap cloth diapers were working. Eventually she learned how to remove those, and the zipper pj's, and the snap pj's. This week the same routine began. She wet the bed just before going to sleep. As I was about to put a new diaper on her, she said, "pee,pee" with great persistence as she sat up. We went to the potty and she went. THAT was THAT! It became clearly evident that I could no longer avoid the process; I had to start potty training. It's not that I was opposed to starting potty training now but the average age for girls to be out of diapers is 3 and she's only 27 months old meaning I would be potty training for possibly 9 months! And well it was a breeze with Elena. Just before she turned three she showed signs; I started to train and within two days she was trained. I wanted the same, not a possible nine months of training. But they also say kids are different and well it was obviously inevitable with Marisa. This week she decided to also go number two in the crib (more than once)and remove her diaper. Well you can imagine the mess sooo...there was nothing left to do but take her out of the crib and put her in a bed. And now you know why I don't have babies anymore. No crib, no diapers, no babies.
Last night was the first night in the bed for her. She did great! I put her potty in the room and even left her in panties and she went 3 times before falling asleep. She did wake up wet in the night which I expected, but I'm not quite sure what to do about that yet. She kept removing her pull up and then putting her pants on with nothing else before going to bed. This morning I walked into a room smelling of poo. I was expecting the worse but instead she had removed the dirty diaper I had put in the middle of the night on the floor and put on panties--no mess. She is definitely growing up. And Elena well she has been dry through the night now for over a month.

I was thrilled about this purchase. Unfortunately, Elena's former pink plastic toddler bed stayed in Belmont because Omar couldn't fit it in the moving truck. Luckily our former neighbors picked it up and their 3 year old is getting some use out of it. This week Target had this wooden toddler bed for ~$50. Cheaper than any craigslist ad I found. So if you need a toddler bed go to Target today. They are normally $80 and their sales typically end Sunday. They had a natural wood color too.