31 weeks
I am now 32 weeks. Everything in my 31 week ultrasound looked good. Baby was about 3 lbs and measured according to her gestation, my fluid looked good, and my fundal height wasn't measuring 5 weeks ahead anymore. I measured 31cm at 31 weeks.
I also ended up having to see the Doctor and had a little scare because I had had over 12 contractions within one hour! The thing about it was that they started after a nap and continued in the car on my way to pick up Elena from school, so I was not over working myself. They finally gave me a test to determine my risk for preterm labor and it came back negative, so I was relieved. Shortly that same week I got a mild case of the flu. I had received the shot a month prior so I think I had some immunity to it and just had one REALLY bad day. For a moment I thought the nausea was back. But my relief was in finding out that all my discomfort, aches and pains, and yucky feeling were all related to this impending flu and not to the pregnancy. After that one bad day my energy was back, and I felt like my normal pregnant self again. Of course I took advantage of that, worked too hard, and now I have a cold, but at least I know the pregnancy is moving a long just fine and it's just these illnesses that are slowing me down. The contractions are less frequent and not as concerning to me anymore. Oh, and I think I'll be having a doula for this birth. I really excited about that.