Okay, so I'm a month and a half late posting this and so behind on other posts too. I'll get to it I promise, but I had to get this one done before I forget what my little one year old has been up too.
Karina is a sweetie who just comes along for the ride. I feel like the poor girl spends a lot of her time in the car while I shuttle her big sisters to school and back. She rarely complains and is mostly content about these transitions. Each time I buckle her into her carseat I feel like apologizing but she rarely actually minds. Lucky for me she takes many naps in the car and when we arrive at home, I just carry her to her crib and she continues to sleep. I am so so thankful for her adaptability.
Karina reminds me a lot of Elena when she was a baby. Karina happily plays alone without getting into mischief. She does prefer to be by my side, and so she usually calls for me or tries to find me if I am not in the same room as her. She is sometimes shy and plays the cutest hiding game usually with Omar. He says her name sweetly while he smiles at her and she turns away burrowing her face acting shy. I love that I can always hand her off to Omar and he makes her feel happy and at ease the same way I do. I feel like the other babies typically had a preference toward me and while I know Karina does a tiny bit, usually Daddy is just as good.
Karina has a lovey which is something the girls didn't. She sleeps with one of those blankets with a head. It's a soft lamb that she holds when she sleeps and plays with when she wakes. It is very cute.
Karina spent the morning of her birthday celebrating Christmas and opening presents with her sisters. We then drove to Laredo and celebrated her birthday there. She loved the delicious cake Grandma made for her. She could've eaten it morning, noon, and night the whole time we were there. Have I mentioned how much this girl eats! She loves all food and I'd say meal times are her favortie parts of the day. Recently she's become so protective of her food. I think this began because one day I removed food out of her mouth when she was unsafely putting too much food in her mouth. Since the incident, if you mess with her food while she's eating, she bursts into tears. Despite all this eating, Karina is the smallest of all my babies. The other girls were always 50th percentile in height and weight and even now they still are. At her 1 year check up Karina was 27.75'' 19lbs and 1oz. which was 15th percentile in weight and 10th in height.
We are all so in love with our sweet Karina and think she fits right in. :)