I take pride in my photos mainly because I try really hard to capture moments as they are. Because of this it is difficult for me to post or print those pictures that didn't come out well. If at some point I decide to really pursue photography I know that having bad photos would be part of it and that every good photographer has some bad photos; the goal is to have a few really good ones.
Anyway here's a family photo that I didn't want to post. Can you see why? Well, as I thought of it I realized that it really did capture the moment. There's stuff everywhere...evidence that things are chaotic when a newborn arrives. Marisa, I wish had her feet covered and that I was holding her better...but how do I manage that when sweet but squirmy Elena refuses to sit still for the picture? Surprisingly, she looks best in this photo even without shoes and even though she was the one who didn't want to take the photo. Finally, Omar doesn't look so happy because as Elena was trying to get off the couch she slammed the back of her head on his nose...we know how that feels. So as you can see the moment was captured and I just had to have a memory of our first days with 2 little ones.
I love that photo and your description of it!
I can't decide if you're a better writer or photographer.......
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