Thursday, January 8, 2009

Boston day trip

We finally decided to make a "real" day trip to Boston. Although, we've made it to Boston many times we usually work around nap schedules or don't really tour. We decided to fore go naps this time and take a touristy view of the city in the North End.

Being silly
Old North Church as seen on National Treasure. Before you ask about the strange pose please tell me what a mother is to do when she's not holding a baby or pushing a stroller. I think I forgot.
The consequence of missing a nap.

These days we always stop at a park during our sightseeing adventures.


Megan said...

Hey! Since when is your stroller pink!?

Megan said...

It looks like a really fun day, by the way ;)

Julia said...

I was just going to say, this is the first time I've seen the pink cover in action! I love how it "pops" against the winter climate background! What cool places you are getting to visit, wow! I read that Boston is the number one pedestrian friendly city in the nation!

Josie said...

Ah...the pink stroller, you know me. I got it right before leaving C.S. I found out they sold replacement covers for the P&T and pink sounded so nice with two girls. I researched some more and found out P&T's went up in price by about $100! The pink one stayed the same price because it is being discontinued, and I guess it's not a popular color. So instead, I sold the blue one on e-bay for the same price I bought if for and at a great deal for the buyer. Then I bought the pink without taking a loss. Wish you could do this with cars. I love this stroller and we've been using it so much here. (But you know how great it is.) Elena's school is only a mile away so I take her to school in the stroller or pick her up on non icy days.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the stroller update... I was wondering what happened!! =) Boston looks fun! and cold.