Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Still sleeping

She really does sleep everywhere and so easily! Before Karina came along I truly believed that babies who fell asleep in strollers, cars, and out in public were exhausted, overtired, and skipping naps, but now I'm eating my own words. I can not believe this little baby. She is almost 6 months and is still taking several naps throughout the day. Karina will fall asleep without fussing and on her own while playing in the the play gym, the exersaucer, the floor, you name it. I'm starting a little photo collection of "places Karina sleeps" just incase I ever forget how easy she is/was.

Ignore the various strollers below and my obvious and latest baby gear obsession and see that little Karina does really sleep anywhere. And just incase I'm making this post sound like having 3 kids has not been an adjustment, I have decided just this last month that the age of 3 is my LEAST favorite age. I think God thought Karina should be an easy baby because I apparently find 3 year olds extreeeemly challenging. Hmm...I wonder who that 3 year old could be?

Very relaxed in Omar's office, her daytime napping room (even through his work phone calls)
At the beach
At a doctor's appointment
In the kitchen in her high chair
In a restaurant


Allison said...

She is soooo cute!!!! I can't stop staring at her pics!!! We were never that lucky with Mateo!

Hunter C said...

I've always thought the same thing about babies who can sleep anywhere. Guess i need to stop judging and know that some babies are different than mine :) Enjoy your easy baby!