I love this age! Karina is so much fun despite her recent neediness lately. She seems to catch some type of illness every two weeks and then just wants to be held all day. It doesn't help that she has 5 teeth coming in simultaneously either. The other girls never seemed to care about their new teeth or at least they never showed discomfort but Karina seems to mind. She is still fun loving, cuddly and laid back. She started crawling with her belly off the floor two weeks ago and she is loving it. Her sisters entertain her immensely which I didn't realize until she and I were away from the family for a conference (more on that later).
Karina loves to eat anything and has tried more foods than her sisters did at this age. This mostly has to do with her wanting food instantly. To meet her needs I must serve her what everyone else is eating immediately. She will eat and eat and doesn't seem to get full. She once started to fall asleep while eating. It was hilarious, she had her eyes closed while inserting food in her mouth.
Sleep is so, so, recently. Along with the illnesses come night wakings. I try to be patient about it because she doesn't feel well but the regression is hard for me since she was already sleeping through the night at 3 months. Luckily though she does wonderfully during the day regardless of how she slept the previous night. She will nap twice in a day or on the go and is very adaptable. She must know she's the 3rd child.
Karina nods no, signs milk, says mama and leche which sounds like e-te.
Now that I know how long babyhood lasts, it saddens me to know that we're half way through it. If only I could stop time--just for a moment
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