Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I wish someone had warned me about the amount of laundry increasing after adding another member to the family, one tiny member. How can one little 10 pound baby add an additional day of laundry during the week? It really would not be that big of a deal except that with a 3 hour feeding schedule, meals for the rest of the family in between and everyday chores I barely manage to stay afloat with the laundry. Between washing, folding, and putting it away, I am doing something that has to do with laundry on everyday of the week!! Wouldn't it be nice if the amount of work would not increase with each additional child? If the work just got done magically? Unrealistic I know (except for celebrities maybe). But then I could have all day to play with my little ones. One can dream, but until then I'm off to fold some laundry.


Julia said...

I was just wondering about this......I was reassuring myself "no, adding another child every few years surely won't increase the laundry THAT much...." I forgot about cloth diapering though! :|

Megan said...

Oh my goodness, tell me about it! I have no idea how this works, but I feel like I can do two loads a day and there is still always laundry to be done!

Josie said...

Interestingly Julia, the extra laundry is not from cloth diapering. I'm still washing diapers as often as before only now I get to have a full load. I think it's all the clothes they both go through.

Julia said...

Marisa is 10 lbs already?!!!!!

Josie said...

She's 11 lbs 11oz. I rounded.:)

Carmen Castro Martinez said...

How funny that you mention this. You just made me recall the days when I became a first time mom with Baby Charlie in '99. One Sunday while doing my daily chores, I read the Sunday Comics and came across an unfamilar one called Baby Blues. I couldn't believe how they precisely depict the life of a wife and mother. This one in particular made me laugh so hard as it illustrated the evolution of laundry. If you'd like to see the strip, go to this link: http://www.babyblues.com/Testing/index.php?formname=getstrip&GoToDay=02/28/99. I hope you laugh about it as much as I did. Needless to say, you can imagine the mountains of laundry I have to do with five family members. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this matter. I'm glad we share the same feelings. Bye-my washing machine is calling...