Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Break part 1

Omar traveled the first part of spring break and I spent that part of our break with my sister Carmen and her kids. The girls LOVE playing with their older cousins so much that they were entertained enough for me to have a little break. During Carmen's visit I also ended up getting really sick one of the days with a fever and terrible muscle aches so Carmen very nicely took the kids out while I stayed home with Marisa and Karina. We all just slept. Apparently it's just what I needed because by the following evening I was fever free and acheless.

At the beginning of the week we went to the Capitol for the Girl Scouts 100 year birthday celebration. Carmen's two girls are also Girl Scouts so they participated in the sessions and celebration earning a patch too. It was a day with great weather, cupcakes, learning, tours and fun! The girls even came home with a book signed by an author that they met that day.

First Woman Governor
Karina loved the cupcakes!
Karina sleeps
Marisa role playing
A family pic

The following day we went to UT. Don't worry Ags I am not converting. Carmen and her kids are Longhorn fans. Though it is always nice to reminisce on the campus about my short time there in 1997
In front of the tower building (above)

everything can be a slide!(below)


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