Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Enrique is ONE!!

My sweet, sweet boy is one.  I love having a "big" family but I have to admit that life is flying by too fast for me.  I want to slow it down. I blinked and he is go go go now.  He is so, so cuddly though. He loves laying his head on my chest and stays there for moments at a time.  His most favorite thing to do is play with his Thomas ride on train and butt heads (literally) with his Daddy, LOL!   He is into everything especially if it isn't a toy. Just tonight he almost pulled down the living room lamp by the cord. I swear I never had to consider putting a lamp away as part of child proofing.  It is so fun having a baby around the house and the girls are delighted with him. I truly have constant help from them and now I can't even imagine how hard it was when I didn't have helpers to get his clothes, a diaper, and distract him and play with him while I clean or shower!!! I am amazed at how parenting now is so different than when I had just one or two or three! In some ways it is hard but in some ways it is easier.  I love my big, little family and we love our sweet, lovey, Enrique. We are so grateful to have him in our lives. We love you to the moon and back baby boy!

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