Friday, December 17, 2010

Marisa is 3

I swear I lost a year of the 3 of Marisa's life somewhere. It seems just last year she was on my back on my carrier or crying for me in the middle of the night wanting to nurse. She is so grown up and talks so much. She says quite a few funny things. A couple I remember off the top of my head are "bu-bu fanda" and "bruhat" instead of bruja hat. At the grocery store one day I was looking for Maizena(cornstarch pronounced My-sehna) She asked, "Mama what you looking for?" I said, "Maizena." She responded, "Mama you're looking for your -cena" (sehnah). This might be hard to find funny if you don't speak Spanish. Marisa is my girly girl. She loves dressing up, princess stuff, dancing and sparkles. She will drive me crazy pulling clothes out of the closet and trying them all on one my one. When she finds dresses she says, "dancing shirt" and dances around. She is also the cuddly one. While I can't request a hug from Elena and have to wait till she's ready, Marisa showers you with affection at any time of the day. She also adores animals and Jake in particular. Yesterday I found her turning his head to look at a book she was reading to him. Ha, ha! She has taken over as caretaker for Jake. She lets him out as soon as she's up in the morning and any time he's waiting by the door she says, "Mama/Daddy" Jake want to go outside" and she'll let him out and then back in. Marisa is extremely observant and I have to be careful what I do in front of her because she will always try it out on her own later. For instance she will climb the bathroom counter to get my eyelash curler to try it herself. She recently reached for her Daddy's razor...of course it's always the dangerous stuff she wants to try out. I am sensing the the 3's behavior coming on complete with the persistence and drama. I love having multiple children if only to humble me and show me just how different their personalities are. How it reminds me that there are some things I have no control over and flexibility is always key. Happy Birthday Little one! I love these angry pictures here. Just the 3 year old behavior I was talking about She loves her dress up chest from Grandma F!

1 comment:

Megan said...

She is so beautiful!! Happy Birthday, Marisa!